These two ERDAS IMAGINE add-on modules offer first-class atmospheric and relief correction of satellite data as well as high-quality cloud and cloud shadow masks and brilliant mosaics.
Both releases are compatible with ERDAS IMAGINE 2020, Update 3 and offer numerous improvements to the previous version.
ATCOR Workflow for IMAGINE 1.2.4
- Improved performance in the preparation of elevation models and image data
- Many helpful changes in the handling of files, file names, function selection and user rights.
IMAGINE NoClouds 1.4
- Significant improvements in the algorithms for the calculation of cloud and cloud shadow. These boost the accuracy of the classification in very dark areas (shadows in the forest, water) and very light areas (built-up areas, beach).
- The quality of the mosaics has also increased significantly via an optimized radiometric adjustment.
Backward compatibility to Update 2 of ERDAS IMAGINE 2020 and before is not guaranteed. This means please install ERDAS IMAGINE 2020 Update 3 before installing ATCOR Workflow for IMAGINE 1.2.4 and/or IMAGINE NoClouds 1.4.
Both versions run with the existing license files of the previous versions.
Download ATCOR Workflow for IMAGINE 1.2.4
Download IMAGINE NoClouds 1.4
If you have any questions regarding the installation, please contact support(at)